FINANCIAL CONSULTATION is a tool that allows you to resolve your current request related to personal finances and investments in a reasonable time.
The consultation includes absolutely any questions related to finances and investments. The duration of the consultation is not limited. It can be held either in person at our office or by phone or messengers.
A list of topics and questions to be addressed can be discussed in advance for more convenient presentation of information and its structuring.
Get a detailed solution to your problem, as well as:
Understanding what financial decision should be made in this situation
Step-by-step instructions on how to close loans with debts faster and more profitably
Selection of an investment instrument to solve your financial problems
Stress test of your investment portfolio
This service covers a wide range of issues - from putting your personal finances in order, distributing debt and credit burden, to investing.
When any person begins to study something new for themselves in detail, there are several ways to do it. You can independently study specialized Internet resources and read useful literature. This requires a lot of time and analysis of a huge amount of information that is available on the Internet. When we talk about the field of financial management and investment, choosing the necessary and appropriate information in specific situations is quite difficult.
What books are better to read, what webinars to watch, what Internet resources are useful - these are only the initial questions. At the next stage, strategies for forming investment portfolios, the nuances of opening investment accounts, the features of choosing individual instruments, taxation issues appear.
Everyone who starts investing goes through these stages. It is educational and useful for everyone. The main disadvantage is that you need to be ready to allocate a significant part of your time to this area. Ideally, you need to compare the cost of your working hour with the time spent and choose the most optimal solution.
Therefore, it is better to contact specialists and get answers to all your questions. This applies not only to finance, but to absolutely any area. An expert will save your time, which can be spent on highly paid activities. The material that you can spend hours and days studying may well be irrelevant in a specific situation or can be learned in a much shorter time interval. In addition, a specialist, due to his experience, will always tell you what you will not find on the Internet and share real cases from practice.
Choose a broker and start investing
Understand how to pay off loans and debts more profitably
Develop your own investment strategy
Understand how to buy and sell securities
Achieve your current financial goals step by step
Increase the return on your investment portfolio
Understand how to create your own pension without government help
Sell or buy currency at a more favorable rate than at the bank
Perhaps you have already studied a lot of information from different sources, you just need to systematize the acquired knowledge into a single whole and fill in possible gaps. Another option is when you need to get an expert opinion to make certain financial decisions or discuss financial strategies. In any case, there are no restrictions within the consultation.
how to solve the current financial problem, what tools will help you achieve this quickly and effectively, and also receive a step-by-step plan of what you need to do right now.
A financial consultant will solve these problems:
define a list of financial tasks that need to be implemented;
will analyze the problems that prevent you from achieving the desired result;
will understand what is important to you when making this decision;
will find ways to achieve the most profitable and efficient solution for you.